Want to fight back against your cough or cold? Feel the Power and tackle symptoms head-on with expert advice from Covonia.

Is There One Type of Cough?
Is There One Type of Cough?

Find out more about the different types of coughs here, as a specialist doctor shares the symptoms & how to treat each.

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Do Cough Medicines Work?
Do Cough Medicines Work?

A specialist doctor explains how cough medicines work so you can fight your symptoms head-on and feel better, fast.

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Best Way to Treat a Cough
Best Way to Treat a Cough

If you have an irritating cough you just can’t kick, read a specialist doctor’s best ways to treat a cough head-on.

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Will Self Pity Help My Cough?
Will Self Pity Help My Cough?

A specialist doctor shares why feeling sorry for yourself when you’re ill can hinder your recovery & what to do instead.

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Chesty Cough </br> Advice
Chesty Cough

Fight your chesty cough with our advice on chesty cough causes, symptoms & treatments. Feel the Power with Covonia.

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Dry Cough </br>Advice
Dry Cough

Help banish dry coughs with our expert advice, including dry cough symptoms, causes and how to get relief from one.

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